Introducing: Designer Jesper Post
Written by Jesper Post on February 05, 2021.
Jesper Post has been working as a designer at Social Brothers for some time now. He followed the Media Design courses at the ROC and Communication and Multimedia Design at the HAN in Arnhem. He lives in Houten with his girlfriend.
How did you end up at Social Brothers?
I already knew Social Brothers, because I had previously applied for an internship here. I eventually went on to do that internship at SchaapOntwerpers. Later I saw a post on LinkedIn for this position as a designer. I responded to that and it went pretty quickly. It really appeals to me that I can work on a wide range of projects at Social Brothers. This company offers more options than the fixed blocks. There are also many test balloons.
What do you do at Social Brothers?
As a designer I work on all kinds of projects. This mainly concerns websites, but also advertisements and brochures. For example, this week I'm working on a project for Mensely. Social Brothers previously designed the platform for them. I am now designing a new part of it: tailor-made advice.
I am also working on a redesign of the FunForest website and brochures for Blue Current. I also regularly create ad images for LinkedIn and Facebook. What I liked most were the advertisements for the maritime week of Nederland Maritiem Land and the design of the Helder Maritiem website.
What talents will you bring to SB?
I am good at solving problems and can always think clearly. I think the most important thing is that I am flexible. If you still have something at half past five, I'll open my laptop and think along with you. That is why I like the variety and diversity in projects at Social Brothers. I don't work on the same project all day and that prevents my creativity from blocking. I like that variety to stay fresh. If I close something and start it up again later, I still see other things. This way I can provide the twist that the customer is looking for.
What can customers/colleagues wake you up for?
You better let me sleep in and ask later. But if it really has to be, colleagues can wake me up for my guilty pleasure: music from Radio NL and below.
Customers can of course wake me up for a cool design challenge!
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